Think Your Commercial Building Has Abestos? Signs That It Does And How To Get It Out

If you think your commercial building has asbestos, you need to take measures now to get it out. This is because asbestos can be dangerous for anyone that is in your building. So you know for sure, below are some signs that there is asbestos in your building. You will also find information on how to get this out so you will have clean air and not have to worry about everyone getting sick.

Signs of Asbestos

You cannot smell or see asbestos in your building, which makes it difficult to know if you have it. One thing that can tell you is the physical symptoms you or your employees may be having. One symptom you will see is shortness of breath due to the small fibers getting into your lungs. Scar tissue will also form on your lungs, which can further exacerbate the shortness of breath. If not taken care of you will eventually start wheezing when you breathe.

You and your employees will notice that you become tired much easier or may even feel tired all the time no matter how much rest you get. Having a persistent cough that produces no phlegm is also common, as well as swollen fingertips. If you and your employees have long term asbestos exposure this could lead to lung cancer.

Removing Asbestos

To get the asbestos out of your building you should hire a commercial asbestos abatement company to remove it. This company can test your building to determine if there is asbestos. If there is, the abatement company will first turn off your HVAC unit. All openings will be sealed by using plastic sheeting. Duct tape is used to secure the sheeting. The company will use a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter on objects that cannot be moved from the building. Wet wipes are often used to wipe down immovable objects. The company will cover all surfaces that do not need asbestos abatement to protect them. 

A HEPA vacuum cleaner will then be used to remove asbestos from the rooms. Anything removed from the building will be placed in a sealed container that is leak-proof and then disposed of properly. In some cases, asbestos will be found in the walls or flooring. This means things may need to be ripped out in order to get all the asbestos out of your building. 

Plan on shutting down your business for a few days in order for this treatment to be done. How long it will take will depend on how much asbestos is found in your building.

Contact a commercial asbestos abatement service for more information.

434 Words

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A Factual, Fun Blog About Contractors We all need and benefit from construction work. Even if you do not own a home, you benefit from the construction done on the space you rent. You also benefit from the construction work done on road, schools, playgrounds, and government buildings. There's no escaping the importance of construction in our society, and yet, most people know very little about the construction industry if they do not work in the industry themselves. We're going to help change that. Here, we will post articles on all sorts of topics related to construction and contractors. You should leave with a much better understanding of the role this work plays in our society and our world.




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